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Make This One Your Most Productive Summer Yet


So, have you taken a breath yet?. The break is virtually upon us, and the long, hot days of summer are looming large and stretching out wonderfully and seemingly endlessly ahead. Whether you’re taking an extended break, working, or even doing more study, it’s still time to stop, reflect and explore how you can best make this transition work for you. How you can you make this summer your most productive and meaningful yet?

  1. Read.Reading is a great way to take your brain to places it might not have gone before, without leaving your comfy chair. Visit your local library or bookshop or check our recent blog post for your ultimate summer reading list.
  2. Do something new.If you do one thing this summer, make sure it’s something you haven’t done before. Try a new hobby, go somewhere you’ve never been, try a new dish at your favourite restaurant, say yes to something you always say no to. You never where it might take you…
  3. Volunteer. Volunteering or helping out those less fortunate than you has been scientifically proven to reduce stress levels, broaden your mind, and improve overall well being. It can also look good on your resume and stand you in good stead for future professional opportunities. And it doesn’t have to be menial work. If you have certain skills, offer them to local not for profits. Volunteer at one of the many fundraising events local charitable groups hold, help take score at your local sports club’s junior footy matches. There are numerous opportunities out there. Go forth!
  4. Get your resume in order.If you’ve finished your studies, now’s a good time to update your resume with your academic or work achievements and any part time work you’ve done while studying, and any professional achievements or important projects you finished while studying. Update your offline and online profiles and get them in good shape.
  5. Declutter your life.This can be as involved or as uninvolved as you like. If you have some downtime, take the opportunity to review and remove what you no longer need or what no longer serves you. Whether it’s your wardrobe, your home, your front yard, or even your relationships, decluttering can be incredibly therapeutic.
  6. Travel .Go near or far, just go. Travel broadens your horizons, opens your mind and is just really, really important. Create a budget, find a travelling companion, or just go by yourself and take off.
  7. Talk to strangers.While you might find this really confronting, talking to strangers can lead to important connections, both personal and professional. Make it your goal to engage one stranger in conversation at least once a day. This could be in the coffee shop, at the bus stand, or wherever you are. You never know where it might take you...
  8. Learn something you don’t have to.We’ve written before about how learning a language can make you smarter, but it’s also valuable just to learn something any new skill. Learn a language, learn a new sport, or just learn to sew. It can actually change your brain and place you in a good mindset for whatever 2017 may throw at you
  9. Do nothing. Make sure you also take time out to do well, nothing. Sit, meditate, or just enjoy your natural environment. It will keep your centred and not so lost in the “ busyness” of everyday life.
  10. Create. Write, sew, draw, paint, knit, craft, sing, code. Don’t worry that you’re not creating something of value. Just create for creation’s sake. It can be incredibly satisfying.

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