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Join the generations of students who have embarked on successful careers with a firm foundation in the theory and practice of blood banking and transfusion practices. Denise Harmening's classic text teaches you not only how to perform must-know tests and tasks, but to understand the scientific principles behind them. You'll begin with a review of the basic concepts of red blood cell and platelet preservation, genetics, immunology, and molecular biology. Then you'll move to the hows and whys of clinical practice. And, you'll be prepared for new advances in the field. More than 500 illustrations, tables, and boxes that help students master difficult concepts, including those not routinely illustrated and highlighted in other texts. Coverage of transfusion for transplantation. Full-colour, step-by-step photographs illustrating ABO forward and reverse blood grouping. Discussions of the legal and ethical aspects of providing blood collection and transfusion services. Registry-style review questions and answers at the end of each chapter providing immediate feedback for students. Complete coverage of all blood group systems. Information on quality assurance and informational systems in the blood bank. Summary charts at the end of each chapter highlighting concepts and information important in clinical settings. "Antigen-Antibody Characteristic" charts on the inside covers of the book for easy access to the vast amount of information related to the blood group systems.

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