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Mental Health Nursing is an Australian text combining a theoretical approach to mental health nursing with clinical reasoning and a practical framework for real-life nursing situations.

Ideal for both clinical and theory mental health units, the text was developed with input from consumers and clinicians, and includes the clinical manifestations, impacts, treatment and management of persons suffering from mental illness. Chapters on 'Suicide and non-suicidal self-injury' and 'Mental health first aid' provide detailed coverage of these contemporary mental health issues, while a chapter on Mental State Examination (MSE) comprehensively explores MSE in a style similar to a traditional psychiatry text and in the context of many different mental health conditions, giving you multiple perspectives of presentations.

Critical thinking and review questions challenge you to apply theory to practice, and pharmacology is discussed in each disorder-chapter, helping to contextualise your learning. With coverage of the Mental Health Act (2014), and criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) integrated throughout, the text equips students with a working understanding of major mental health disorders, and the ability to work practically when engaging with persons suffering from mental illness.

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