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This product helps students understand how culture impacts development - and why it matters.
Human Development: A Cultural Approach leads students to examine all stages of development through the engaging lens of culture

The first product to take a wholly cultural approach to human development, this product integrates cross-cultural examples throughout the narrative to reveal the impact of cultural factors both in Australia/New Zealand and around the world.

The authors' emphasis on culture fosters a thorough, balanced view of development that prepares students to face challenges in our diverse and globalised world - whether they travel the globe or remain in their hometowns. 

Additionally, this product:

Has respected current content mapped to industry standards, delivered in a range of customisable formats
Has local content woven with global content to present multiculturalism across the world
Indigenous Australian and Māori contexts highlighted throughout 
Research in psychology recognises indigenous cultures and knowledge 
Shows the progression of psychology as a discipline, demonstrating its maturity from isolated testing and instead analyses and applies global cultural differences.

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