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Being an effective and well-rounded nurse in Australia is not just about technical skills – it’s also about thinking like a nurse. The Road to Nursing helps students develop clinical reasoning and critical reflection skills, understand the philosophical and ethical considerations necessary to care for clients and reflect on how to provide care that meets the unique needs of each client.This edition is divided into three parts – beginning, becoming and being – which guide students on their journey towards a career in nursing. It explores the ever-changing Australian health landscape, including recent technological innovations, the relevant regulations and legislation that nurses must adhere to, working with others as part of a professional team and building a professional portfolio.Each chapter includes definitions of key terms, reflection questions, perspectives from nurses, end-of-chapter review questions, research topics and resources that connect students with the real-world practice of nursing. Written by healthcare experts, The Road to Nursing is a fundamental resource for students making the transition into the nursing profession.

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