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Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles, offers a unified and up-to-date treatment of momentum, heat, and mass transfer and separations processes. This edition, reorganised and modularised for better readability and to align with modern chemical engineering curricula - covers both fundamental principles and practical applications, and is a key resource for chemical engineering students and professionals alike.

Part 1 thoroughly covers the fundamental principles of transport phenomena, organised into three sections: fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and mass transfer.

Part 2 focuses on key separation processes, including absorption, stripping, humidification, filtration, membrane separation, gaseous membranes, distillation, liquid - liquid extraction, adsorption, ion exchange, crystallisation and particle-size reduction, settling, sedimentation, centrifugation, leaching, evaporation, and drying.

The authors conclude with convenient appendices on the properties of water, compounds, foods, biological materials, pipes, tubes, and screens.


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