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The third edition of Cognitive Communication Disorders remains a vital resource for graduate courses that address cognitively based communication disorders. Students, instructors, and clinicians will benefit from the text's comprehensive discussion of cognitive processes and deficits, including attention, memory, executive functions, right hemisphere brain damage, dementia, combat-related mild traumatic brain injury, and traumatic brain injury and the impact that deficits in these cognitive domains may have on language and communication. New to the Third Edition A new chapter covering Primary Progressive Aphasia An expanded chapter on mild cognitive impairment (MCI) addressing concussion related communication disorders Updated and expanded information on assessment of disordered cognitive processes Case studies to illustrate principles of clinical management of cognitive communication disorders. Access to a PluralPlus Companion Website with PowerPoint lecture slides for each chapter Through contributions from a renowned group of contributors, this text provides a comprehensive review of theoretical and applied research on cognitive communication disorders. The renowned contributors include Margaret Lehman Blake, Carole R. Roth, Fofi Constantinidou, Heather Dial, Maya Henry, Jessica Brown, Kathryn Hardin, Nidhi Mahendra, Mary H. Purdy, Sarah E. Wallace, and Sarah N. Villard.

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