Your first week of study is always going to be somewhat daunting, whether you've studied before, or have never studied at university in your life. But not to worry, this week, we've got some great ideas to egt the most out of your first week, and set you up for a fantastic Semester 1.
1. Viva la difference
Whether you’re studying full time or part time, on campus or externally , studying can add a different element to your already busy daily routine. If you’re coming fresh from secondary education you will find the flexible learning structure associated with higher education study to be very different to that which you experienced in high school. Or if you studying while working, you may find it a bit of a challenge juggling work, family, social and study commitments. Just be prepared, be organised , prioritise your time and you’ll be fine.
2. Use your breaks wisely
Depending on your study load, your timetable will no doubt allow for breaks on both a weekly and daily basis, whether you’re studying full time or part time. Hopefully this will give you flexibility but use your first week to work out how best to maximise the breaks in your time. Use them judiciously for rest, relaxation and study. This will ensure the rest of semester runs smoothly.
3. Go to O week.
At CDU, O week runs from the 20 – 24 February with lots of great events happening on campus and online. O week is a great opportunity to suss out your campus, make new friends and really get a taste of what university life can offer you before you start. Plus it’s also a great way to figure out the what, the where and the who before your first week starts. Check out the program.
4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.There are lots of people you can hit up if you’re unsure about where to be or what to do. Your lecturers, student central and library are all here to help you so if you’re not sure. Just ask!
5. Discover the library
The friendly team at the library are an absolute fount of information on research, study and where to found key resources. So get to know them at o week, sign up for one of the regular tours, or ask a staff member. That’s what they are there for.
6. Do Plan.Use your first week to plan the next 12 or so weeks of study and exams. If you’re studying multiple units, you may find that you will have assignments and/or other key tasks due at around the same time, so having a plan for completing everything in a timely manner will help reduce the stress of managing multiple deadlines. There are no prizes for leaving things for the last minute so if you plan out your semester you can allocate time for study, research and completing any key projects.
7. Visit your friendly cdu bokshoop.CDU bookshop is your one stop shop for texts, study guides, and other key resources you will need to get your through. So add us to your list. Our friendly staff will help you get through and help you find exactly what you need,.