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Economics for Today, 7e simplifies the array of confusing economic analyses and presents a straightforward and balanced approach that effectively teaches the application of basic economics principles. Only essential material is included in the book and key concepts are explained in clear and simple terms. Written in an engaging and user-friendly manner, the book is designed for a range of economics students with a continued focus on ethics in economics, sustainability and environmental economics, housing stress, development, health, happiness and debt crises.


1) Thinking like an economist Appendix to Chapter 1: Applying graphs to economics

2) Production possibilities and opportunity cost

3 Market demand and supply

4 Markets in action

5 Elasticity of demand and supply

6 Production costs

7 Perfect competition

8 Monopoly

9 Monopolistic competition and oligopoly

10 Microeconomic policy issues: climate change and behavioural economics

11 Measuring the size of the economy

12 Business cycles and economic growth

13 Inflation and unemployment

14 A simple model of the macro economy

15 The monetary and financial system

16 Macroeconomic policy I: monetary policy

17 Macroeconomic policy II: fiscal policy

18 International trade and finance

19 Macroeconomics Policy issues: reflecting on economic and debt crises

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