This unit develops preservice teacher knowledge of the Australian Curriculum: English strands of Literacy and Language, and of Literacy as a General Capability required for learning in subject-area contexts of Year 3 to Year 6. The unit will focus on knowledge of Literacy and Language curriculum content and quality literacy pedagogy to enhance the teaching, learning and assessment of students' comprehension and composition of multimodal meanings in genre typically used for learning in areas, such as Science or The Arts. Key theories, concepts, policies and scholarly studies of literacy and language education will be critically analysed, connected to design features of the Australian Curriculum, and considered in relation to the linguistic and cultural diversity of students in classrooms.
Preservice teachers will engage with research evidence of an effective model of teaching and learning designed for the explicit, systematic and scaffolded teaching of literacy and language, and use the model as a basis to expand their repertoire of literacy teaching and assessment strategies. They will apply programming principles in planning a unit of work and lesson sequence that will progress literacy capabilities for learning specified subject content. Throughout this unit preservice teachers will reflect on their own language and literacy proficiency and identify what they need to learn to build their personal and academic literacy knowledge for future professional practice.