This unit develops the pedagogical content knowledge and strategies required to teach the mathematical topic strands of number and algebra throughout the primary years F-6.
Preservice teachers will build positive attitudes towards the teaching and learning of mathematics and reflect on the relationship between those attitudes, their own mathematical competence and student learning including the development of numeracy capabilities.
Key topics in number and algebra will be explored from foundational concepts based on evidence-based learning progressions. Preservice teachers will explore uses of appropriate models, representations and resources, including concrete manipulatives and digital technologies, to support learning. They will learn mathematics teaching strategies such as the use of open questions, explicit teaching of diverse strategies for developing computational fluency, and the inclusion of opportunities for reflection and recall. Preservice teachers will use Australian curriculum documents, appropriate diagnostic assessment tools and research about learning to set learning goals and inform the planning of teaching sequences that support the development of mathematical understanding and reasoning. They will learn how to provide effective feedback on students' mathematical progress to the learners and families/carers.