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Making decisions informed by evidence means that healthcare can be provided responsibly, collaboratively, effectively, and sustainably. Evidence-Based Practice Across the Health Professions is designed to guide and support students and clinicians to learn how to make evidence-informed decisions. This book will help you learn how to decide what clinical questions to ask, search for research evidence to answer them, and analyse the evidence to decide if the results are believable, important, and applicable. You will learn how to talk with patients about evidence and make collaborative decisions and how to approach evidence implementation at an individual and organisational level. Written by international and discipline leaders in evidence-based practice across a range of health professions, the fourth edition has been fully updated in line with the latest developments in this field from around the world. Updated clinical scenarios woven through the chapters to bring theory to life Suitable for evidence-based practice teaching in a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate professional courses, including: nursing, midwifery, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology, exercise science, nutrition and dietetics, paramedicine, medicine, optometry, pharmacy, medical imaging and radiation therapy, psychology, podiatry, and complementary and alternative medicine.

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