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The third edition of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete continues to be the most comprehensive text for engineering students, instructors and practising engineers. Theoretical and practical aspects of analysis and design are presented in a clear, easy-to-follow manner and are complemented by numerous illustrative and design examples to aid students' comprehension of complex concepts. This edition has been fully updated to reflect recent amendments and addenda to the Australian Standard for Concrete Structures AS3600-2009 and allied standards. Two new chapters, covering T-beams, irregular-shaped sections and continuous beams, and strut-and-tie modelling have been added as discrete modules to enhance the progression of topics. Additional information is provided on fire resistance, detailing and covering, long-term deflection and design for torsion. An expanded collection of end-of-chapter tutorial problems consolidate student learning and develop problem-solving skills. Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete remains an indispensable resource for students and engineers continuing their professional development.

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