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Administrative Law Principles 1st ed is an ideal primer for students of administrative law. It includes a systematic approach to resolving problems arising in administrative law including the numerous threshold issues such as standing, jurisdiction and justiciability which serve as gatekeepers to this area of the law and offers pragmatic solutions and multiple suggested approaches when tackling government bureaucracies (hence the ‘many doors’ schematic of the book’s front cover).

Once a tribunal’s or courts administrative law jurisdiction is found to be enlivened, the book then settles into a thorough examination of the many relevant grounds for review (and how they interrelate to one another and the concept of ‘cascading grounds’) as well as discussing appropriate remedies.

The book strives for a balance of clear and accessible explanations of the basic concepts of administrative law with some of the more intricate unsettled points of law for those who wish to take a deeper dive into the area, all aided by compact summaries of the law in each chapter, which help aid in an understanding of complex legal concepts and how they relate to one another.

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